Aneurysm Life Insurance With Special Risk Managers
Recovering from an aneurysm is a significant feat in itself, with a lengthy recovery time needed for some of the most severe cases. After being diagnosed and treated for an aneurysm, the last thing you need to be told is that you won’t be able to receive a life insurance policy due to your condition. Obtaining aneurysm life insurance can be hard but this is a struggle you shouldn’t have to face on your own.
Even if you have experienced a medically diagnosed aneurysm you could still be eligible for life insurance, and with the life insurance experts at Special Risk Managers by your side, you can trust that we will do everything we can to help get the cover you need.
At Special Risk Managers, we believe everyone deserves life insurance cover at a reasonable price. If you or a loved one has experienced an aneurysm, speak with our life insurance experts to help you find the very best life insurance cover possible.
Aneurysms – Life Insurance
It is common for anyone with an aneurysm diagnosis to struggle when trying to obtain life insurance after their diagnosis. An aneurysm sufferer may either be denied cover or they will receive sub-standard terms with an increased premium.
When an aneurysm sufferer is accepted for a life insurance policy, however, they will usually be placed in a high-risk category, thus pushing up the price and limiting the cover provided.
The amount of cover you receive and the price you will pay is often determined by the severity of your condition, the aneurysm treatment you are receiving, the presence or absence of symptoms, whether you currently smoke and if you are undertaking a regular follow up with your GP.
At Special Risk Managers, after taking all of these factors into consideration, we can assess your situation and condition to determine the best aneurysm life insurance options for you at the most affordable prices.
How We Help Aneurysm Sufferers With Life Insurance
Many people who have experienced an aneurysm may think it’s impossible to find life insurance. However, that is not necessarily the case. With an aneurysm life insurance expert from Special Risk Managers by your side with experience in finding cover for individuals with a range of medical conditions, you will have the best chance possible of finding the life insurance policy you need. Our insurance experts know where to look and what steps need to be taken to finding life insurance cover for aneurysm sufferers.
There is no need to place yourself into the uninsurable category. Thanks to our vast network of providers and reinsurance companies, we are able to source a broad range of insurance products that can get you cover at an affordable price that is specifically suited to your situation.
By taking your medical history, your family’s medical history and your lifestyle into account, our insurance experts at Special Risk Managers will help you through the application process and secure the policy best suited to your needs and budget.

Although finding the right cover for your condition can be difficult, it’s not impossible. At Special Risk Managers, we’ll help you find the best aneurysm life insurance options available for your situation. We’ll explore your different options and find affordable and comprehensive cover according to the severity of your condition. This way, you’re less likely to pay unnecessary premiums and fees.
Call us on 1300 665 356 to get started. We’re experts at helping patients find appropriate aneurysm life insurance, trauma insurance, total & permanent disability cover, and income protection insurance for special and difficult conditions.

Aneurysms In Australia
Aneurysms are relatively common in Australia with an estimated 1 in 50 people experiencing them and approximately 2% of adults suffering from a brain aneurysm, according to statistics from the Australian Brain Foundation. 80% of aneurysm cases usually occur between the ages of 40 and 65.
An aneurysm involves the swelling or bulging of the wall of a blood vessel, such as an artery. This can occur anywhere in the circulatory system however it often occurs in a weak spot in the blood vessel wall, such as a point when the blood vessel branches off into a fork. Blood vessels of the brain are also commonly associated with aneurysms.
If an aneurysm ruptures, it also has the potential to be fatal, resulting in death in a matter of minutes. The mortality rate for aneurysms is high with over 40% of patients who experience an aneurysm dying from initial bleeding or subsequent complications.
Common Causes
A number of potential factors can cause an aneurysm including weakness in the blood vessel wall present at birth, long-term high blood pressure, inherited diseases, trauma, and untreated STI fatty plaques or polycystic kidney disease. In some cases, however, the cause is unknown. Smoking and excessive alcohol and drug consumption can also be a contributing factor to developing an aneurysm.
The Signs of An Aneurysm
It can be difficult to recognise the signs of an aneurysm as it can often be asymptomatic, providing no symptoms until an aneurysm is large or if it ruptures.
The common symptoms of an unruptured aneurysm may include blurred or double vision, speech or behaviour changes, a severe headache or loss of balance. If an aneurysm has ruptured, the symptoms may include a sudden and severe headache, stiff neck or neck pain, sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting, fainting or seizures.
Aneurysm Treatment
Aneurysm treatment is largely dependent on the type of aneurysm you have experienced. Treatment may involve drugs used to control high blood pressure as well as surgery to repair an aneurysm, if required. A cerebral aneurysm is repaired with coils, stent insertion or surgery that involves clipping the aneurysm.
Surgery is often required if an aneurysm is more than five centimetres wide. Whether surgery or clipping is used will also depend on the location of the aneurysm.
Strict bed rest and painkillers are needed after initial treatment with the length of aneurysm treatment ranging considerably depending on the severity of the condition.
How To Prevent An Aneurysm
Taking steps to ensure you are leading a healthy life can significantly help in preventing an aneurysm from occurring. It is important to eat healthy, exercising regularly, reduce your stress levels as well as monitor your overall health such as your weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol.
By maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle that also excludes smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and drug use, you will not only feel great, but you will also have a higher chance of preventing an aneurysm from occurring.
Contact Special Risk Managers For Information On Aneurysms and Life Insurance
If you are finding it hard to obtain life insurance or income protection after experiencing an aneurysm, don’t lose hope. Special Risk Managers is here to help you by giving you the support and advice you need to get you the very best cover available that is relevant to your needs.
We can help you find comprehensive and affordable cover suited to your condition, so that you can feel secure and have peace of mind knowing you have a life insurance plan in place. Let us lend you a helping hand and give us a call on 1300 66 53 56 or send us an enquiry by filling in the above form.
For the very best chance of gaining the life insurance you deserve after suffering from an aneurysm, contact our insurance experts at Special Risk Managers today!