Do you have an aortic valve condition that’s stopping you from getting the life insurance you want? Often people who have aortic valve problems lead healthier lifestyles than the average person. But, even if your cardiologist says you’ll live a normal life, you may find yourself being denied aortic valve life insurance, TPD insurance or trauma insurance because of congenital or recently diagnosed heart problems.
If you already have troubles with your heart, and need your aortic valve repair or replaced, you don’t need the stress and frustration of endlessly searching for an insurer that is willing to provide you with life insurance.
Special Risk Managers are here to help you avoid the struggle involved with getting coverage. We use our extensive knowledge of the life insurance industry to find the right insurer for all of our clients, no matter the severity or age of their condition.
Aortic Valve Life Insurance in Australia
Problems with the functioning of the heart’s aortic valve – the main artery of the body located between the heart and the aorta – are not uncommon.
Some of the most prevalent conditions related to malfunctioning of the aortic valve include:
Aortic Stenosis
Aortic stenosis is an excessive narrowing of the exit of the left ventricle of the heart, and this narrowing might occur in, above or below the aortic valve. When the aortic valve does not open fully, blood flow to the heart is reduced.
The condition is known to get progressively worse over time, and can lead to other health problems. One of the first symptoms of aortic stenosis is a lessened ability to exercise, followed by heart-related chest pain, loss of consciousness and even heart failure in worst case scenarios.
Aortic Insufficiency
Aortic insufficiency (AI) otherwise known as aortic regurgitation (AR) involves the aortic valve leaking in such a way that blood flows in the wrong direction back into the heart. This condition can be caused by abnormalities in the aortic valve or from a dilation of the aortic root.
Aortic insufficiency caused by aortic root dilation arises spontaneously in 80% of cases. Hence, why it’s so important to safeguard your family’s future with life insurance if you have an aortic valve condition.
Infective Endocarditis
This type of endocarditis is caused by an inflammation of the endocardium – the inner tissue of the heart that includes the aortic valve. Usually, bacteria or other organisms are the cause of infective endocarditis.
When inflamed, the heart’s valves do not get enough blood supply and this leads to immune problems, making the need for life insurance products even more pressing if you have this condition.
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
This is usually a congenital condition where the aortic valvular leaflets have fused, resulting in a biscupid valve instead of the normal triscupid valve. Often aortic valve conditions like this need an aortic valve replacement surgery to be corrected.

Although finding the right cover for your condition can be difficult, it’s not impossible. At Special Risk Managers, we’ll help you find your best aortic valve life insurance options for aortic valve disease. We’ll explore your different options and find affordable and comprehensive cover according to the severity of your condition. This way, you’re less likely to pay unnecessary premiums and fees.
Call us on 1300 665 356 to get started. We’re experts at helping patients find appropriate aortic valve life insurance, trauma insurance, total & permanent disability cover, and income protection insurance for special and difficult conditions.

Getting Aortic Valve Life Insurance
Individuals who suffer from any of these aortic valve conditions will find it particularly hard to get aortic valve life insurance or other related types of insurance. This is because insurers view existing heart problems as a huge risk.
Factors that can affect the amount of coverage you can get, and the size of your premiums can include:
- What your diagnosis is
- When your aortic valve abnormality was diagnosed
- What steps you have taken since being diagnosed
- Whether you have had a repair, replacement or no surgery
- Whether you condition is deteriorating or remains stable
- The average lifespan of someone with your condition
- The other medical risks associated with your particular condition
- How your overall health is otherwise
At Special Risk Managers we specialise in finding insurance products for those who suffer from congenital or acquired heart conditions.
After just a quick evaluation of your individual situation we will set to work finding the insurance products you and your family need to bring financial security and peace of mind.
Aortic Valve Trauma Insurance
Trauma insurance is designed to provide you and your family with a cash payout if you are diagnosed with another serious illness. Sufferers of aortic valve conditions may find it hard to get this type of insurance, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need it.
Trauma insurance can provide you with the money you need to pay medical bills and keep the family afloat. And, best of all, you’ll receive it in addition to any TPD or income protection insurance you have.
Income Protection Insurance
If you’ve been diagnosed with a heart condition, you understand that there can be times when you unexpectedly aren’t able to work.
This type of insurance is designed to keep you and your family afloat by paying up to 75% of your income if you find yourself out of work due to illness or injury.
Total and Permanent Disability Insurance
What would you do if your doctor told you that your aortic valve condition will stop you from ever working again? If you’ve got an aortic valve condition, total and permanent disability insurance is a must.
If you sustain a permanent injury or illness that stops you from working, TPD insurance will pay you a lump sum to pay your debts, medical bills, and make any lifestyle changes you need to accommodate your disability.
Why Choose Special Risk Managers
When it comes to getting coverage, don’t go it alone if you’ve got a medical condition. You’ll find yourself up against declined applications, limited coverage options, and higher prices.
Our job is to use our strong connections within the industry to match those suffering with aortic valve conditions with the life insurance products they need at a reasonable price. We care about granting everyone access to long-term financial security, regardless of their health.
If you’re living with an aortic valve condition and finding it hard to get life insurance, contact Special Risk Managers today.