Life Insurance With Cardiomyopathy

Living with cardiomyopathy can be difficult, and it can often be a worrying situation for you and your family. But don’t let its challenges stop you from planning for the future. If you’re looking for appropriate cardiomyopathy life insurance coverage, Special Risk Managers will help you find it.

You’ve probably experienced first-hand how difficult it can be to get the right coverage for this condition. Because cardiomyopathy is a relatively uncommon form of heart disease, it can be difficult to find the right cardiomypathy life insurance provider for this. Its unpredictable nature also doesn’t help, making some insurance providers hesitant about providing coverage for this condition.

If you’re finding it hard to get life insurance, Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance, trauma insurance, or income protection for cardiomyopathy, Special Risk Managers will gladly help you find what you’re looking for. Our specialists are experts at helping people with special conditions get the coverage they need for their situation.

Call us today on 1300 665 356 to get started.

Cardiomyopathy Life Insurance In Australia

Cardiomyopathy is a progressive heart disease characterised by the inability of the heart muscle (usually the myocardium) to pump blood properly around the body. This is primarily due to the damage or weakening of the heart muscle, which can be caused by a variety of factors. In particularly serious cases, cardiomyopathy can lead to enlarged or thickened hearts that could cause heart failure.

Although heart disease is one of the most prevalent health conditions in Australia (and one of the country’s leading causes of death), heart disease stemming from cardiomyopathy is relatively rare. There’s currently no information on exactly how many Australians suffer from cardiomyopathy today, but the Cariomyopathy Association of Australia estimates that 1 in 500 Australians have this condition.

The trouble with cardiomyopathy is that its exact cause/s are often unknown. It’s a condition that can be both inherited and acquired, making it difficult to predict its onset and development. And because it’s a progressive disease, it’s prone to getting worse over time. Despite these difficulties, cardiomyopathy’s impact on a patient’s daily life can be minimised with the proper lifestyle changes, appropriate medication, and other specialised treatments.

Although finding the right cover for your condition can be difficult, it’s not impossible. At Special Risk Managers, we’ll help you find your best life insurance options for cardiomyopathy. We’ll explore your different options and find affordable and comprehensive cover according to the severity of your condition. This way, you’re less likely to pay unnecessary premiums and fees.

Call us on 1300 665 356 to get started. We’re experts at helping patients find appropriate life insurance, trauma insurance, total & permanent disability cover, and income protection insurance for special and difficult conditions.

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    Common Types Of Cardiomyopathy

    Dilated Cardiomyopathy

    Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common type of cardiomyopathy. It usually starts with the stretching and thinning of the heart’s left ventricle, which is the main pumping chamber of the heart. Because of a thinner ventricle, the heart won’t be able to pump blood as effectively as a healthy heart. As it gets worse, the damage then often spreads to other parts of the heart.

    This type of cardiomyopathy is more commonly diagnosed among men than women. The American Heart Association also notes that up to one-third of cases of dilated cardiomyopathy are inherited.

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    This type of cardiomyopathy is characterised by the abnormal thickening (hypertrophy) of the myocardium (heart muscle), which significantly affects the heart’s normal function. This term can also refer to the thickening of other valves and ventricles in the heart. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often goes undiagnosed, many times remaining undetected until it causes cardiac issues.

    This condition affects people of all ages and both men and women equally. It is also one of the common cardiac issues seen among young people, particularly athletes. Some people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy don’t develop particularly adverse symptoms, while others may experience more severe symptoms and complications.

    Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

    Restrictive cardiomyopathy is one of the rarest forms of this heart disease and is characterised by the abnormal hardness of the ventricles. The ventricles’ inability to fully expand when filled with blood results in an abnormal pumping of blood, which could later lead to heart failure. Restrictive cardiomyopathy doesn’t always lead to an enlarged heart, but the heart’s ability to pump blood properly will be compromised.

    The severity of this condition varies among patients, with some showing little to no symptoms while others show early symptoms that progressively worsen.

    Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia

    This is another rare type of cardiomyopathy that occurs when fatty or fibrous tissues replace the muscle tissue in the heart’s right ventricle. This, in turn, affects the heart’s electrical system and disrupts electrical signals in ways that can lead to arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm). This type of cardiomyopathy is usually seen among younger people, particularly teens and young adults.

    Rest assured that whatever type of cardiomyopathy you may have, Special Risk Managers can help you get the right life insurance for your condition. We’re experts at getting life insurance cover for patients with special conditions, even those that many standard insurance providers would consider uninsurable.

    Get The Right Coverage For Cardiomyopathy

    If you’re having trouble finding cardiomyopathy life insurance, or if you simply want to find the best life insurance options for this condition, Special Risk Managers is here to help. We specialise in finding appropriate life insurance for those with special conditions or those who have been turned down by standard insurance providers because of their serious medical condition.

    We work closely with a highly regarded international reinsurance company and take advantage of a strong insurance network to give clients their best life insurance options. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive cardiomyopathy life insurance package, Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance, trauma insurance, or income protection insurance, our team will help you find it.

    At Special Risk Managers, we believe that serious medical conditions like cardiomyopathy shouldn’t stop you from protecting the future of you and your family. With the right life insurance in place, you can spend less time worrying about the future and instead focus on things that matter the most. Call us today on 1300 665 356 to find out more. Alternatively, you can also contact us and send any enquiries to