Ulcerative colitis (or ‘colitis’ as it’s also shortened to) – according to Better Health Victoria – is a chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the large bowel (the colon and the rectum). If you’re seeking Ulcerative Colitis life insurance and income protection it’s important to understand exactly what your condition is about and what is offered to secure your future.
The difference between colitis and ulcerative colitis is that:
- Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation consisting of ulcers in the colon
- While colitis may be either
- An abbreviated term for ulcerative colitis; or
- Any other kind of inflammation of the colon (not ulcerative)
An inflammation of the colon may be due to things like infection, food poisoning, lack of blood to the area, parasites, chemicals or bacteria; or a range of other reasons.
These kinds of colitis are not ulcerative colitis, and they are merely inflammations of the colon.
To Explain Further
Patients who have Crohn’s Disease cannot simultaneously have ulcerative colitis. BUT – patients with Crohn’s Disease can have colitis, as this does not necessarily refer to ulcerative colitis and refers only to an inflammation of the colon. If you have any confusion when speaking with your doctor, be sure to clarify this.
A Bit More About Ulcerative Colitis
In combination with Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis makes up the condition which is known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Research has been shown that as many as five million people worldwide are living with a form of IBD – not to be confused with IBS (or irritable bowel syndrome). IBS produces some of the same symptoms of IBD but the conditions are vastly different and require very different treatment.
Of the five million people battling IBD worldwide, over 75,000 people are Australian, with the numbers set to rise dramatically to over 100,000 in the next ten years.
Crohn’s Disease is incurable, while ulcerative colitis is only curable through radical surgery. If left untreated, ulcerative colitis may lead to death.
Together with Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis and IBD is a disease threatening 1 in every 250 people aged five to forty-nine nationwide.
Due to its ‘hidden’ nature (people don’t generally talk openly about their experiences battling IBD or ulcerative colitis – as they may do with a disease like cancer, for example) it can be difficult to find the right kind of insurance cover for you or your loved one.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis you will know how difficult and troublesome it can be. Ulcerative colitis causes significant pain and discomfort and can affect your quality of life. As a result, sufferers often need substantial time off of work.
If you haven’t been able to find the right kind of life insurance cover or income protection insurance due to your ulcerative colitis, or if you’re not satisfied with the cover you have, Special Risk Managers can help you.
We are experts at helping people with serious medical conditions to get the life insurance they need. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for full life insurance, TPD insurance, income protection insurance or trauma insurance, we can help.
Feel free to call us today on 1300 665 356 and speak to one of our experts. Get started with finding life insurance for ulcerative colitis today.
Colitis in Australia
As we mentioned previously, there are over 75,000 Australians who are currently affected by and living with IBD and ulcerative colitis. With the numbers rising every year, this is only compounded by the fact that people are presenting with more complicated and severe cases than ever before.
In addition to this, IBD, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis are more prevalent in young people, with the greatest instances of ulcerative colitis existing in Caucasian people of European descent, with the disease appearing anytime between ten and forty years of age. It’s slightly more common in men, and in smokers.
When you look at the care required for IBD and ulcerative colitis in Australia, a study performed by Crohn’s and Colitis has found that there’s still a long way to go in terms of improving the lives of people living with ulcerative colitis and IBD. Much of the treatment currently focuses on providing a short-term solution, with longer-term solutions less prevalent.
Given the currently predicted figures – and the difficulty in living with ulcerative colitis and IBD – it makes sense to find the right life insurance for these diseases. One of the key contributors to the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and IBD is stress – and so avoiding stress wherever possible with the correct level of life insurance cover will surely help to mitigate the symptoms of IBD. Not having to worry about money by having the right life insurance cover with Special Risk Managers will ease the stress of an already stressful situation.

Although finding the right cover for your condition can be difficult, it’s not impossible. At Special Risk Managers, we’ll help you find the best ulcerative colitis life insurance options. We’ll explore your different options and find affordable and comprehensive cover according to the severity of your condition. This way, you’re less likely to pay unnecessary premiums and fees.
Call us on 1300 665 356 to get started. We’re experts at helping patients find appropriate life insurance, trauma insurance, total & permanent disability cover, and income protection insurance for special and difficult conditions.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis and IBD
As we mentioned previously, colitis is a term that is used to describe any kind of inflammation in the colon. While there is a range of the types of inflammation (colitis), one of the most common types of colitis is ulcerative colitis.
When you have ulcerative colitis, you have – as the name suggests – ulcers along the affected section of your colon.
With ulcerative colitis sharing the moniker of IBD, it also shares a lot of the same symptoms which include:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhoea
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Fever (in particularly severe cases)
When you have ulcerative colitis, you have a chronic condition, which means that it will stay with you for life. That’s not to say that there aren’t treatments available – and many of these treatments are effective – but there is no known cure for ulcerative colitis, short of a colectomy (removal of the colon).
Protecting Your Future with Life Insurance
If you or a loved one is facing a life with ulcerative colitis, there is hope. Ultimately, ensuring that you secure the best possible life insurance is one of the best things that you can do to alleviate stress, to manage your finances and to provide peace of mind.
Having the right ulcerative colitis life insurance in place – whether it’s TPD insurance, trauma insurance, or income protection insurance – will put you in a better place and leave you free to focus on the important task of managing you or your loved one’s medical condition.
And while ulcerative colitis and IBD are rarely fatal, the peace of mind and relief that is gained from having life insurance makes a huge difference.
Guidance from Special Risk Managers
Finding it hard to get the right kind of life insurance with your condition, whether it’s IBD or ulcerative colitis? We can help with that.
We’re the experts in helping people with serious medical conditions find life insurance. We are renowned for our ability to find life insurance for people who have been rejected for a life insurance policy – whether it’s due to a pre-existing medical condition or some other reason.
We are so good at what we do; other insurance advisers often come to us for help in finding life insurance for their clients with special cases.
From all of us here at Special Risk Management – don’t lose hope. We can help with your ulcerative colitis life insurance and help to make your future brighter.
Please feel free to call us now on 1300 665 356. We are happy to discuss your needs. Otherwise, please send us an email